Hot Tip: Shooting in this room is strictly forbidden, and there are security guards everywhere to see to it.
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Castel Sant’Angelo
After touring the Vatican, we found that we had time to look at another landmark we had listed – Castel Sant’Angelo. It used to be the popes’ residence and repository for their values, but it was also a prison where they found their deaths. The story of the archangel, which gave the name of the fortress, is also curious.
According to the legend, in 590, a plague epidemic struck the population and it ended only when Archangel Michael appeared over the castle. This happened after the newly-elected Pope Gregory the Great urged the population to beg for mercy. When the crowd approached the castle, the Pope received a vision, and Archangel Michael, who was taking his sword, appeared to him. This heavenly gesture was interpreted as the end of the plague – something that really happened. Enjoy a walk through a real castle. Do not miss to get to the top where the statue of Archangel Michael is, there is another incredible view of Rome.